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NVMe SSD Controller Platform
General Description
YEESTOR's PCIe-NVMe SSD controller platformis compliant with NVM Express 1.2 specification and targets for both enterprise and client SSD markets. It features YEESTOR's NVMe controller core and LDPC error correction core to enable low-power and cost-effective SSD controllers that support 1x/1y/1z MLC/TLC and 3D NAND. This SSD architecture delivers industry-leading IOPS and latency performance. With YEESTOR’s performance management, YEESTOR' PCIe-NVMe SSD controller platform is able to achieve consistent performance for different workloads and this is especially important for data center applications. The endurance management of Libra along with YEESTOR's dynamic VCR LDPC and advanced FTL combined as the ExtEnd™ technology that can either extend product life cycle or expand capacity (hence reduce the BOM cost) of SSD. YEESTOR' PCIe-NVMe SSD controller platform has been implemented on the FPGA platform and allows customers to develop FW in parallel with ASIC development.
Key Features

Compliant to NVMe 1.2 (pass UNH-IOL compliance test)

PCIe Gen3 (4 lane)

YEESTOR NVMe Controller Core

YEESTOR LDPC Error Correction Core

Data Reduction Engine

- Reduce write amplification

- Increase usable over provisioning

Security Engine

- TCG-Opal

NAND flash Interface

- Support ONFI 3.0 SDR mode 0 and NV-DDR2 Mode 0~7

- Support Toggle 2

- Support SLC/MLC/TLC/QLC 3D NAND flash

- Fully programmable timing generator

- Up to 16 Channels, 16 die per channel

- Support hardware IO throttling

FTL FW, can be ported to different CPUs based on customers' requirement

Advanced Data Manager

- Centralized data buffer and queue management

Performance management

- Ensure consistent performance for different workload

Functional Block Diagram
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